Custom animation easing is a great way to customize the motion ethos in a design system. These easing props are one of the best augmentation packages for existing design systems, bringing motion tokens to systems that haven’t gotten there yet.
A preview of what it looks like to use Open Props within a project.
.card { animation: fade-out .5 var(--ease-out-5) infinite;}
.button { transition: transform .5s var(--ease-spring-3);}
import {Spring, EaseOut} from 'open-props/easings.js';
card.style.animation = `fade-out .5s ${EaseOut[5]} infinite`;button.style.transitionTimingFunction = Spring[3];
await Promise.all([ box1.animate([{ transform: 'scale(0)'}], { duration: 500, delay:0, easing: Spring[3] }).finished, box2.animate([{ transform: 'scale(0)'}], { duration: 500, delay:100, easing: Spring[3] }).finished,])
Get the props into your project via NPM or CDN.
@import 'open-props/easings.css';
@import 'https://unpkg.com/open-props/easings.css';
import Easings from 'open-props/easings.js';
import Easings from 'https://unpkg.com/open-props/easings.js';
export default { Ease, EaseIn, EaseOut, EaseInOut, ElasticIn, ElasticOut, ElasticInOut, Steps, Spring, Bounce,}
The Props
The lower the number, the weaker the effect.
:where(:root) { --ease-1: cubic-bezier(0.25, 0, 0.5, 1); --ease-2: cubic-bezier(0.25, 0, 0.4, 1); --ease-3: cubic-bezier(0.25, 0, 0.3, 1); --ease-4: cubic-bezier(0.25, 0, 0.2, 1); --ease-5: cubic-bezier(0.25, 0, 0.1, 1);}
export const Ease = [ , 'cubic-bezier(.25, 0, .5, 1)', 'cubic-bezier(.25, 0, .4, 1)', 'cubic-bezier(.25, 0, .3, 1)', 'cubic-bezier(.25, 0, .2, 1)', 'cubic-bezier(.25, 0, .1, 1)',]
Ease in
:where(:root) { --ease-in-1: cubic-bezier(0.25, 0, 1, 1); --ease-in-2: cubic-bezier(0.5, 0, 1, 1); --ease-in-3: cubic-bezier(0.7, 0, 1, 1); --ease-in-4: cubic-bezier(0.9, 0, 1, 1); --ease-in-5: cubic-bezier(1, 0, 1, 1);}
export const EaseIn = [ , 'cubic-bezier(.25, 0, 1, 1)', 'cubic-bezier(.50, 0, 1, 1)', 'cubic-bezier(.70, 0, 1, 1)', 'cubic-bezier(.90, 0, 1, 1)', 'cubic-bezier(1, 0, 1, 1)',]
Ease out
:where(:root) { --ease-out-1: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.75, 1); --ease-out-2: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.5, 1); --ease-out-3: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.3, 1); --ease-out-4: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.1, 1); --ease-out-5: cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0, 1);}
export const EaseOut = [ , 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, .75, 1)', 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, .50, 1)', 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, .3, 1)', 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, .1, 1)', 'cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0, 1)',]
Ease in-out
:where(:root) { --ease-in-out-1: cubic-bezier(0.1, 0, 0.9, 1); --ease-in-out-2: cubic-bezier(0.3, 0, 0.7, 1); --ease-in-out-3: cubic-bezier(0.5, 0, 0.5, 1); --ease-in-out-4: cubic-bezier(0.7, 0, 0.3, 1); --ease-in-out-5: cubic-bezier(0.9, 0, 0.1, 1);}
export const EaseInOut = [ , 'cubic-bezier(.1, 0, .9, 1)', 'cubic-bezier(.3, 0, .7, 1)', 'cubic-bezier(.5, 0, .5, 1)', 'cubic-bezier(.7, 0, .3, 1)', 'cubic-bezier(.9, 0, .1, 1)',]
Elastic in
:where(:root) { --ease-elastic-in-1: cubic-bezier(0.5, -0.25, 0.75, 1); --ease-elastic-in-2: cubic-bezier(0.5, -0.5, 0.75, 1); --ease-elastic-in-3: cubic-bezier(0.5, -0.75, 0.75, 1); --ease-elastic-in-4: cubic-bezier(0.5, -1, 0.75, 1); --ease-elastic-in-5: cubic-bezier(0.5, -1.25, 0.75, 1);}
export const ElasticIn = [ , 'cubic-bezier(.5, -0.25, .75, 1)', 'cubic-bezier(.5, -0.50, .75, 1)', 'cubic-bezier(.5, -0.75, .75, 1)', 'cubic-bezier(.5, -1.00, .75, 1)', 'cubic-bezier(.5, -1.25, .75, 1)',]
Elastic out
:where(:root) { --ease-elastic-out-1: cubic-bezier(0.5, 0.75, 0.75, 1.25); --ease-elastic-out-2: cubic-bezier(0.5, 1, 0.75, 1.25); --ease-elastic-out-3: cubic-bezier(0.5, 1.25, 0.75, 1.25); --ease-elastic-out-4: cubic-bezier(0.5, 1.5, 0.75, 1.25); --ease-elastic-out-5: cubic-bezier(0.5, 1.75, 0.75, 1.25);}
export const ElasticOut = [ , 'cubic-bezier(.5, .75, .75, 1.25)', 'cubic-bezier(.5, 1, .75, 1.25)', 'cubic-bezier(.5, 1.25, .75, 1.25)', 'cubic-bezier(.5, 1.5, .75, 1.25)', 'cubic-bezier(.5, 1.75, .75, 1.25)',]
Elastic in-out
:where(:root) { --ease-elastic-in-out-1: cubic-bezier(0.5, -0.1, 0.1, 1.5); --ease-elastic-in-out-2: cubic-bezier(0.5, -0.3, 0.1, 1.5); --ease-elastic-in-out-3: cubic-bezier(0.5, -0.5, 0.1, 1.5); --ease-elastic-in-out-4: cubic-bezier(0.5, -0.7, 0.1, 1.5); --ease-elastic-in-out-5: cubic-bezier(0.5, -0.9, 0.1, 1.5);}
export const ElasticInOut = [ , 'cubic-bezier(.5, -.1, .1, 1.5)', 'cubic-bezier(.5, -.3, .1, 1.5)', 'cubic-bezier(.5, -.5, .1, 1.5)', 'cubic-bezier(.5, -.7, .1, 1.5)', 'cubic-bezier(.5, -.9, .1, 1.5)',]
:where(:root) { --ease-step-1: steps(2); --ease-step-2: steps(3); --ease-step-3: steps(4); --ease-step-4: steps(7); --ease-step-5: steps(10);}
export const Steps = [ , 'steps(2)', 'steps(3)', 'steps(4)', 'steps(7)', 'steps(10)',]
:where(:root) { --ease-spring-1: linear(0,0.006,0.025 2.8%,0.101 6.1%,0.539 18.9%,0.721 25.3%,0.849 31.5%,0.937 38.1%,0.968 41.8%,0.991 45.7%,1.006 50.1%,1.015 55%,1.017 63.9%,1.001); --ease-spring-2: linear(0,0.007,0.029 2.2%,0.118 4.7%,0.625 14.4%,0.826 19%,0.902,0.962,1.008 26.1%,1.041 28.7%,1.064 32.1%,1.07 36%,1.061 40.5%,1.015 53.4%,0.999 61.6%,0.995 71.2%,1); --ease-spring-3: linear(0,0.009,0.035 2.1%,0.141 4.4%,0.723 12.9%,0.938 16.7%,1.017,1.077,1.121,1.149 24.3%,1.159,1.163,1.161,1.154 29.9%,1.129 32.8%,1.051 39.6%,1.017 43.1%,0.991,0.977 51%,0.974 53.8%,0.975 57.1%,0.997 69.8%,1.003 76.9%,1); --ease-spring-4: linear(0,0.009,0.037 1.7%,0.153 3.6%,0.776 10.3%,1.001,1.142 16%,1.185,1.209 19%,1.215 19.9% 20.8%,1.199,1.165 25%,1.056 30.3%,1.008 33%,0.973,0.955 39.2%,0.953 41.1%,0.957 43.3%,0.998 53.3%,1.009 59.1% 63.7%,0.998 78.9%,1); --ease-spring-5: linear(0,0.01,0.04 1.6%,0.161 3.3%,0.816 9.4%,1.046,1.189 14.4%,1.231,1.254 17%,1.259,1.257 18.6%,1.236,1.194 22.3%,1.057 27%,0.999 29.4%,0.955 32.1%,0.942,0.935 34.9%,0.933,0.939 38.4%,1 47.3%,1.011,1.017 52.6%,1.016 56.4%,1 65.2%,0.996 70.2%,1.001 87.2%,1);}
export const Spring = [ , `linear( 0, 0.006, 0.025 2.8%, 0.101 6.1%, 0.539 18.9%, 0.721 25.3%, 0.849 31.5%, 0.937 38.1%, 0.968 41.8%, 0.991 45.7%, 1.006 50.1%, 1.015 55%, 1.017 63.9%, 1.001 )`, `linear( 0, 0.007, 0.029 2.2%, 0.118 4.7%, 0.625 14.4%, 0.826 19%, 0.902, 0.962, 1.008 26.1%, 1.041 28.7%, 1.064 32.1%, 1.07 36%, 1.061 40.5%, 1.015 53.4%, 0.999 61.6%, 0.995 71.2%, 1 )`, `linear( 0, 0.009, 0.035 2.1%, 0.141 4.4%, 0.723 12.9%, 0.938 16.7%, 1.017, 1.077, 1.121, 1.149 24.3%, 1.159, 1.163, 1.161, 1.154 29.9%, 1.129 32.8%, 1.051 39.6%, 1.017 43.1%, 0.991, 0.977 51%, 0.974 53.8%, 0.975 57.1%, 0.997 69.8%, 1.003 76.9%, 1 )`, `linear( 0, 0.009, 0.037 1.7%, 0.153 3.6%, 0.776 10.3%, 1.001, 1.142 16%, 1.185, 1.209 19%, 1.215 19.9% 20.8%, 1.199, 1.165 25%, 1.056 30.3%, 1.008 33%, 0.973, 0.955 39.2%, 0.953 41.1%, 0.957 43.3%, 0.998 53.3%, 1.009 59.1% 63.7%, 0.998 78.9%, 1 )`, `linear( 0, 0.01, 0.04 1.6%, 0.161 3.3%, 0.816 9.4%, 1.046, 1.189 14.4%, 1.231, 1.254 17%, 1.259, 1.257 18.6%, 1.236, 1.194 22.3%, 1.057 27%, 0.999 29.4%, 0.955 32.1%, 0.942, 0.935 34.9%, 0.933, 0.939 38.4%, 1 47.3%, 1.011, 1.017 52.6%, 1.016 56.4%, 1 65.2%, 0.996 70.2%, 1.001 87.2%, 1 )`,]
:where(:root) { --ease-bounce-1: linear(0,0.004,0.016,0.035,0.063,0.098,0.141,0.191,0.25,0.316,0.391 36.8%,0.563,0.766,1 58.8%,0.946,0.908 69.1%,0.895,0.885,0.879,0.878,0.879,0.885,0.895,0.908 89.7%,0.946,1); --ease-bounce-2: linear(0,0.004,0.016,0.035,0.063,0.098,0.141 15.1%,0.25,0.391,0.562,0.765,1,0.892 45.2%,0.849,0.815,0.788,0.769,0.757,0.753,0.757,0.769,0.788,0.815,0.85,0.892 75.2%,1 80.2%,0.973,0.954,0.943,0.939,0.943,0.954,0.973,1); --ease-bounce-3: linear(0,0.004,0.016,0.035,0.062,0.098,0.141 11.4%,0.25,0.39,0.562,0.764,1 30.3%,0.847 34.8%,0.787,0.737,0.699,0.672,0.655,0.65,0.656,0.672,0.699,0.738,0.787,0.847 61.7%,1 66.2%,0.946,0.908,0.885 74.2%,0.879,0.878,0.879,0.885 79.5%,0.908,0.946,1 87.4%,0.981,0.968,0.96,0.957,0.96,0.968,0.981,1); --ease-bounce-4: linear(0,0.004,0.016 3%,0.062,0.141,0.25,0.391,0.562 18.2%,1 24.3%,0.81,0.676 32.3%,0.629,0.595,0.575,0.568,0.575,0.595,0.629,0.676 48.2%,0.811,1 56.2%,0.918,0.86,0.825,0.814,0.825,0.86,0.918,1 77.2%,0.94 80.6%,0.925,0.92,0.925,0.94 87.5%,1 90.9%,0.974,0.965,0.974,1); --ease-bounce-5: linear(0,0.004,0.016 2.5%,0.063,0.141,0.25 10.1%,0.562,1 20.2%,0.783,0.627,0.534 30.9%,0.511,0.503,0.511,0.534 38%,0.627,0.782,1 48.7%,0.892,0.815,0.769 56.3%,0.757,0.753,0.757,0.769 61.3%,0.815,0.892,1 68.8%,0.908 72.4%,0.885,0.878,0.885,0.908 79.4%,1 83%,0.954 85.5%,0.943,0.939,0.943,0.954 90.5%,1 93%,0.977,0.97,0.977,1);}
export const Bounce = [ , `linear( 0, 0.004, 0.016, 0.035, 0.063, 0.098, 0.141, 0.191, 0.25, 0.316, 0.391 36.8%, 0.563, 0.766, 1 58.8%, 0.946, 0.908 69.1%, 0.895, 0.885, 0.879, 0.878, 0.879, 0.885, 0.895, 0.908 89.7%, 0.946, 1 )`, `linear( 0, 0.004, 0.016, 0.035, 0.063, 0.098, 0.141 15.1%, 0.25, 0.391, 0.562, 0.765, 1, 0.892 45.2%, 0.849, 0.815, 0.788, 0.769, 0.757, 0.753, 0.757, 0.769, 0.788, 0.815, 0.85, 0.892 75.2%, 1 80.2%, 0.973, 0.954, 0.943, 0.939, 0.943, 0.954, 0.973, 1 )`, `linear( 0, 0.004, 0.016, 0.035, 0.062, 0.098, 0.141 11.4%, 0.25, 0.39, 0.562, 0.764, 1 30.3%, 0.847 34.8%, 0.787, 0.737, 0.699, 0.672, 0.655, 0.65, 0.656, 0.672, 0.699, 0.738, 0.787, 0.847 61.7%, 1 66.2%, 0.946, 0.908, 0.885 74.2%, 0.879, 0.878, 0.879, 0.885 79.5%, 0.908, 0.946, 1 87.4%, 0.981, 0.968, 0.96, 0.957, 0.96, 0.968, 0.981, 1 )`, `linear( 0, 0.004, 0.016 3%, 0.062, 0.141, 0.25, 0.391, 0.562 18.2%, 1 24.3%, 0.81, 0.676 32.3%, 0.629, 0.595, 0.575, 0.568, 0.575, 0.595, 0.629, 0.676 48.2%, 0.811, 1 56.2%, 0.918, 0.86, 0.825, 0.814, 0.825, 0.86, 0.918, 1 77.2%, 0.94 80.6%, 0.925, 0.92, 0.925, 0.94 87.5%, 1 90.9%, 0.974, 0.965, 0.974, 1 )`, `linear( 0, 0.004, 0.016 2.5%, 0.063, 0.141, 0.25 10.1%, 0.562, 1 20.2%, 0.783, 0.627, 0.534 30.9%, 0.511, 0.503, 0.511, 0.534 38%, 0.627, 0.782, 1 48.7%, 0.892, 0.815, 0.769 56.3%, 0.757, 0.753, 0.757, 0.769 61.3%, 0.815, 0.892, 1 68.8%, 0.908 72.4%, 0.885, 0.878, 0.885, 0.908 79.4%, 1 83%, 0.954 85.5%, 0.943, 0.939, 0.943, 0.954 90.5%, 1 93%, 0.977, 0.97, 0.977, 1 )`,]
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